MJCG compounds 2.1
About MJCG compounds
MJCG compounds is an open-source Bifrost compound library developed by Maxime Jeanmougin. It is aimed at extending the production possibilities of Bifrost and to provide learning graphs for new Bifrost users.
MJCG compounds is released under MIT license. Please include the license notice if you redistribute copies or portions of a compound. Check LICENSE.md for more information.
MJCG compounds 2.1.2 requires Bifrost or higher. Some sample graphs also require Rebel-pack 0.4.2 or higher.
Set or append a `BIFROST_LIB_CONFIG_FILES` environment variable with a path pointing to `bifrost_lib_config.json`. Make sure to include the config file name and extension with the path. For Maya users, this can also be set it inside the `maya.env` file like this:
BIFROST_LIB_CONFIG_FILES= C:/.../MJCG_compounds/bifrost_lib_config.json
Compounds have embedded documentation which you can read in the `Info` tab of the Bifrost's `Parameter Editor`. Graphs are laid out with commented backdrops which roughly explains the process of each operations.
Support the development
You can support the development of MJCG compounds through the following platforms.
Support on Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/mjcg
Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mjcg
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mjcg91
Join the Bifrost Addicts Discord server: https://discord.gg/bifrost-addicts